Holidays + New Scheduling

Happy holidays everybody!!

Who else feels like dancing!!?

For the holidays, I will be finishing up on Saturday the 22nd and returning to work Saturday, January 5th. Two weeks proper, yes, that sounds about right. 

Come the new year, I will be restructuring my group class scheduling for QiGong and Tai Chi. Starting January 5th, I will be offering only one QiGong/Tai Chi class per week, Saturdays at 11am. No more Tuesday QiGong/Tai Chi group classes, no more Thursday group classes. Just the Saturday at 11am. 

*Tuesday night Happy Hour classes at 7:30pm remain the same!! Oh yes they do…

Based off the influence of my Happy Hour classes, the QiGong/Tai Chi Saturday’s are gonna be a community concept for the people. A place to start, a place to practice, a place to get your Qi on. Flow, choreography, and even partnering sequences. I’m excited.

And here’s the best part, I will be cutting my pricing. Drop ins will be priced at $20. 5 packs will cost $18 per class and 10 packs will be $15 per class. 

If you have any questions, please let me know. I’m looking forward to seeing you all in January!!

Happy Holidays!!
