Live Meditation Broadcasting


You can now experience Happy Hour from the comfort of your own home, QiBelly Happy Hour that is.

Tuesday August 9th at 7:30pm I will be broadcasting the guided meditation portion of Happy Hour. These first 20 minutes will be available through Periscope/Twitter FREE for 24 hours following the event. I am hoping to make this my new weekly process.

How it works:

Download Periscope or Twitter.

Follow me @qibelly

You can listen via your mobile device or home computer. It’s that simple.

Please feel free to post questions/comments but, due to the nature of class, I won’t be able to interact during the actual broadcast. I will be able to respond after the event on my streetcar ride home. Being my first gig, I assume there will be bumps, but regardless we’re gonna make this happen. If you have any questions, feel free to give me a bell.

Tuesday August 9th at 7:30pm we go live!!

Thank you. Have a great week!!
