New Online Schedule

I have decided to shape shift in order to make our time together online possible. Online for the time. Details below…

Happy Hour Guided Meditations

Tuesday’s @ 7:30pm & Friday’s @ 9am via Zoom

$5 EMT [email protected]. Once I receive payment I can send you the code. 

QiGong & Tai Chi Classes

Monday’s @ 11am, Wednesday’s @ 1pm & Saturday’s @ 11am via Zoom

$20 per class. EMT [email protected] For those of you with passes just send me an email so I can send you the code. 

For those of you who prefer to meet up in person, I do offer small group classes in High Park on Thursdays for QiGong and Tai Chi – 12pm beginners class & 1pm advanced class. In the park we have the ability to maintain safe social distancing while still being able to move within a group setting. For those of you interested in private one on one training, I am currently offering classes at Greenwood Park near my home.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you
