Summer Workshops in the City

Just back from vacation and feeling fresh as a daisy. It was great to get away. We laughed a lot, slept beautifully and ate our faces off. But now that I’m back, I have a few tasty treats to announce…

  • Awakening the Qi Workshop in the east end!! Friday August 23rd at 6pm. Yes, after all these years we are going to cross the divide. 1390 Danforth Ave – Cool East Market close to Greenwood Station. $40 + HST. To confirm your spot send me an EMT for $45.20. Spacing is limited. 
  • Closed Door Tai Chi on Saturday August 31st for my advanced students. You know who you are. 
  • In September we will revisit the Master Zhang Series Workshops. Here are the dates: September 7th from 12:30-2:30pm we will go through the QiGong Meditation material. On September 14th from 12:30-2:30pm we will revisit the Tai Chi Circles and from 3:30-5:30pm will be the Tai Chi Stick. 3 workshops in total. $75 + HST per workshop. The classes will run the same way. Same material without the need for translation. To sign up, send me an EMT for the dates and times you want. If you have any questions, please let me know.
  • And a few more Zhang Episodes for your reading pleasure…

You Can Relax When You Are Dead

The Actual Training

Thank you for reading.
