The Summer Scoop

From July 20 – August 10th I will be on vacation. All classes will be on hold during this time and will reconvene back to normal as of Saturday August 11th. 

For the Reiki Share, I am proposing we skip the month of August and come back strong in September. For those of you still keen on meeting offsite, let me know and I’ll help coordinate communication. 

I will have email access throughout my time away, so if need, be feel free to give me a bell. 

I have a new workshop on ‘Non-Action’ in the works. Most likely it will run in September. It’s packed with kick-ass-old-school Chinese philosophy. I plan on properly announcing it once I figure out what to call it. Cause what the hell does non-action mean anyway??!! 😜

Stay tuned…

Wishing you all a lovely Summer!! Looking forward to hitting it back up upon my return.

Thank you. 
