Workshop Announcement: The Nine Chambers

The Nine Chambers of Qi – Rethinking ‘Health’

Saturday May 4th from 1-2:30pm 

$50 + HST

What constitutes having a practice? Body work, spiritual work, mind expansion, relaxation techniques? Yes, all these count. This is a workshop where meditators mix with yoga students, where kung fu enthusiasts kick it with Reiki heads (no pun intended). It’s about being human and having a practice. Not about the flavour. 

Our practice is a reflection of our life. This is how the Daoist sees it. But you don’t have to be a Daoist to welcome such ideas. You just have to set the bar a bit higher.

Welcome to the Nine Chambers of Qi. Qi, meaning health, can be seen as a reflection of these nine. Positioned in the centre, the health chamber holds a reciprocity with the other eight. A relationship that continues to shape and shift throughout the course of our life experience. Never sorted, but to be consistently cared for, like a gardener tending to a garden. 

In this workshop I will…

  • Explain the Nine Chambers in detail by giving examples that speak to us in our current times. 
  • Share meditative methods and perspectives on how to realistically approach the Nine Chambers. 
  • Touch upon the ‘Dark Side of Health’ in relation to the Nine Chambers. 

To register, send an email money transfer to [email protected] for $56.5

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to email.


Thank you ~ Paul