Workshops with Master Zhang from Beijing

My teacher, Master Zhang Yu Fei, is coming to visit!! He arrives at the end of the month and will be offering four workshops in the first two weekends of June!! Two on Saturday June 8th and two on Saturday June 15th.

Master Zhang is a wealth of knowledge. His historical and theoretical understanding of Chinese theory is second to none. In these workshops he will be teaching Daoist longevity exercises based off his Hun Yuan curriculum from Beijing. This is crazy exciting!!

Saturday June 8th – Meditation & Movement 
(Each class $100, both classes $180)

10am-12pm- Hun Yuan Meditation

Master Zhang will introduce QiGong Meditation. Designed as a gentle form of healing, Hun Yuan Meditation creates balance by giving one softness within as well as softening ones relationship with the external world.

1-3pm – QiGong Circles

Here the focus will be on the movement portion of the Hun Yuan QiGong practice. Emphasizing softness through circles and spirals, these exercises improve range of motion and joint strength. The underlying purpose is to become more efficient and integrated through body awareness.

Saturday June 15th – Tai Chi Stick 
(Each class $120, both classes $200) *stick included

10am-12pm – Moving Qi through the Channels

The Tai Chi Stick is a cultivation tool primarily used to aid in body awareness and fluidity of motion. The focus of this class will be moving Qi through the meridians utilizing the Tai Chi Stick in order to strengthen health and promote longevity.

1-3pm – The Spirit of the Four Animals

Here we use the Tai Chi Stick to embrace the spirit of the tiger, the bear, the eagle and the sparrow hawk. Exploring the quality of animal movement is a tradition that has been applied to many forms of QiGong and martial arts. Training each animals’ energetic and physical attributes is an exciting way to promote vitality and dexterity.

Due to sizing of the room, these classes will be limited in the number of the people we can accept. If you are interested, it is advised that you book early to reserve your spot. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.

To reserve your spot, send an email money transfer to [email protected]Be sure to specify which classes and what dates you wish to attend. 


Thank you
